Welcome / Opening Prayer

Qhib Kev Pe Hawm
Worship Team

Lus Tshaj Tawm

Hu Nkauj Tswj Xeeb.
Anyone who has prepared a special song for the Lord.

Hu Nkauj Pe Hawm
Worship Team

Fij Nyiaj (Offering / Donation)
Black Lock Box - Church Donation
White Basket - Youth Donation

Kids / Youth Services
All children/youth under the ages of 18 will be dismissed.
* Niam Vaj Chue - Kids Ministries
* Ms Ka - Youth Services

Mloog Vajtswv Txoj Lus
XF Nor Vang

Thov Vajtswv Xaus

* Yog leej twb xab hu nkauj lub lim tiam tom ntej, thov hais qhia rau See paub thiab hub rau See hnub Saturday.

** Thaum sawvdaws pib lawm, thov sawvdaws muab xov thooj kaw tsis txhob saib lawm. Ua tsaug os.